Prof Luca Cimino

Medical Degree at the Federico II University of Naples, Italy in 1992, Postgraduate Specialization Degree in Ophthalmology, University of Parma, Italy in 1998. 
Associate Professor in Ophthalmology at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy (October 2021). 
Area of Expertise:
Uveitis Ocular Lymphoma 
Luca Cimino was born in Italy in 1964. He got the medical degree at University of Naples(IT) in 1992 and was specialized in Ophthalmology at University of Parma(IT) in 1998. National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor in Ophthalmology in 2017. He is Head of Ocular Immunology Service, Azienda USL -IRCCS, Reggio Emilia, Italy. Since Jan 2016 he is Adjunct Professor at the Ophthalmology Specialization school, University of Siena, Italy. His main areas of research interest are uveitis and ocular lymphoma. Dr. Cimino is a member of the Scientific Committee of Italian Ophthalmologic Society (SOI), Italian Society for uveitis and ocular inflammatory disease (SIUMIO) and International Uveitis Study Group (IUSG). Author of 82 scientific papers.

Tan Tock Seng Hospital
11 Jln Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 308433

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Programme for Ocular Inflammation & Infection Translational Research, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore © 2024